Programming Languages & Tools

Front-End Languages/Frameworks

Javascript, TypeScript, React, Next.js, Angular 2.0+, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Material UI

Backend Languages & Databases

Ruby on Rails, Node.js/Express.js, MongoDB, C++, Java, Microsoft SQL Server 2014, PostgreSQL

Miscellaneous Software Tools, Frameworks, & Libraries

Linux/Unix, AutoCAD, AutoCAD Electrical, MultiSIM, LabVIEW, HSPICE, Microsoft Office Suite, Allen Bradley PLC, Siemens PLC, Yokogawa DCS, MATLAB

Version Control System

Git Version Control System via Github and Git CLI commands

Resume & General Cover Letter



E-Commerce App

This is an e-commerce site put together using React.js, Material UI, Stripe API for payments, and the Commerce.js API to handle the Product catalog. The inspiration came from my wife who works as a local barista at a fancy coffee shop.